
2007 October 31

Created by cjfleury1 16 years ago
Today is Halloween! John used to love Halloween. I always remember him as getting the most candy out of all three of us. One year, we had a huge blizzard and most people stayed home rather than going trick or treating. Of course, John and his friends went out and he came back with TONS of candy!! Since nobody was out, people were giving him hand fulls of candy at a time! John would then come home and sort it all out, and Dad took a picture of all his loot. It was just an amazing amount of candy!!! The year Madison was born, he was really excited to take her around to all the neighbors and show her off. She was a little giraffe that Halloween. He said that the neighbors would give her candy and since she was too little to eat it, he'd get it and he was happy about that.